Author Archives: djemals

Stock Photo

Best Free Stock Photo Sites for Commercial Use

We need a good stock photo for free! There are many great paid stock photo websites out there like, or, but it’s always good to look for free stock photos before you actually spend your money. Why don’t you get some free stock images with awesome quality (in artistic perspective) which will make your design beautiful?

If you are an individual proprietor or freelancer like myself, who’s willing to spend some time to dig for a nice photography for your design, you’ll enjoy my “Best Stock Photo Sites for Free for Commercial Use” list below. I know you’d especially enjoy the “for Commercial Use” part, which means you don’t need to get permission for both personal / commercial use.

Little Visuals

Little Visuals

Jay Mantri

Jay Marini

  • Quality: ★★★★★
  • Mostly Scenery and Material Images
  • Random Order
  • Weekly Subscription Available



New Old Stock

New Old Stock

  • Image Quality: ★★★★★
  • Random Order
  • Vintage Photos from the Public Archives

Death to the Stock Photo

Death to the Stock Photo



  • Quality: ★★★★★
  • Mostly Lifestyle and Scenery Images
  • Random Order
  • Weekly Subscription Available



IM Creator

IM Creator

Public Domain Archive

Public Domain Archive



Life of Pix

Life of Pix





Foodie’s Feed

Foodie's Feed

Lock & Stock Photos

Lock & Stock Photos



Free REFE Mobile Photos










Stock Free Images

Stock Free Images

Free Digital Photos

Free Digital Photos





Pickup Image


Google Advanced Search

Google Advanced Search

parallax smooth scrolling

Download: Simple Parallax Smooth Scrolling Website Template

With new technologies of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, parallax scrolling is one of the hottest trends in web design industry. Floating with different speed of scrolling background elements could make a website stronger in storytelling. It’s easy to find parallax resources online, but it’s hard to find a function with smooth scrolling effect.


Here’s the parallax website with “SMOOTH” scrolling effect for you to download. The website is made of HTML5/CSS/JavaScript. It’s free to use for your website, but it only works on Google Chrome. For other browsers everything works perfectly except for the smooth scrolling effect.


How to Remove or Uninstall Plugins like Phantasm in Adobe Illustrator?

Get Custom Phone Case Now!

Plugins are great for Adobe Illustrator. There are many open shared plugins and it’s free to use. But sometimes a plugin has a trial period for 15 to 30 days, and it asks you to pay for the software and you just don’t want to purchase it, like Astute Graphics in my case (It’s a great plugin and would recommend to use, but for me, I found a way to change group of hue adjustments with my Adobe Illustrator CC built-in function so I no longer needed the plugin). When the trial period has expired, a pop-up window shows up every time when I open Adobe Illustrator, like this, and it’s a bit annoying:

Astute Graphics Phantasm

After you’ve select the ‘continue’ button, you can check to see the Phantasm plugin has been installed to your system by going to the top menu ‘illustor’ -> ‘About Phantasm’.

About Phantasm

Let’s close the Adobe illustrator by go to the top menu ‘Illustrator’ -> ‘Quit Illustrator’.

Okay, here’s what you should do to remove/uninstall the plugin:

1. Go to Applications folder: Finder -> Go -> Applications (or Shift + Commend + A)

Trash the Plugin

2. Go to Adobe Illustrator -> Plug-ins -> Trash ‘Phantasm.aip’ the plugin.


Top menu

Go and open Adobe Illustrator and check if the plugin has been removed completely by going to the top menu ‘illustor’ (you won’t see ‘About Phantasm’ anymore).

Weird Code

WordPress Appearing Strange Weird Characters / Codes

Get Custom Phone Case Now!

This was pretty shocking moments when seeing the weird strange codes on my WordPress website. I was looking all over to resolve the issue and it worked for me. This could has happened because you have upload your plugin directly through FTP and didn’t go through the backend and install it proper way.

Which I did to make all this mess. I uploaded my files directly through FTP.


I had back ups files, but these weird strange characters were showing up on top of every pages I go even I replaced it with my backed up files.

If you see the similar things showing, just de-activate the plugin that causing the issue, or you can delete the plugin folder directly from your FTP. And here’s what you should do next, re-install the plugin through the WordPress backend (admin) panel. It worked like a charm.

You might still see after, but don’t go crazy. There is a good chance your browser’s cache might need to be refreshed. Hit “Reload” the browser or Shift + “Reload” and it should work fine.


Fonts Collection – Best for Web and Print Design

I always look for GOOD Fonts for my design. I’ve been in the industry almost a decade, and with the experience, there are fonts more likely to use than others when designing web or print outs like posters, banners, and documents. Some are good for a headline of an article, and some are good for copies. Most of them are FREE with personal/commercial use, so hope you enjoy my collection.


San-Serif, Condensed
gothamFREE Download Gotham family is all time my favorite. It’s great for headline and body copy.

Bebas Neue

Condensed San-Serif, Uppercase Only
bebas neueA sophisticated bold condensed gothic font for PC, Mac, & Web . Highly recommended for titles.
FREE Download | Credit “Dharma Type”

League Gothic

Condensed San-Serif
league gothicFREE Download


San-Serif, Uppercase only, for Headline and decorative type
frontage$55 at

Helvetica Neue

San-Serif, Condensed to Extended, for body copy
helvetica neue$39/each at


futuraFREE Download


San-Serif, Condensed to Extended


San-Serif & Slab-Serif, Thin to Ultra thick
nexaNexa – Download FREE Version
Nexa – Buy Full Version
Nexa Slab – Download FREE Version
Nexa Slab – Buy Full Version


Cursive Pen Script
SignPainter fontFREE Download


Cursive Handwriting Script
belinda$35 at
A Handwriting & fun cursive script for Mac & PC


A Simple Way to Hide Featured Image inside Post with CSS

Here’s a very simple way to hide your featured image inside your post area, and it does NOT affect your actual featured image on your site’s front-page or the thumbnail image from the list. You are not deleting anything but simply hiding!

This post was originally for the theme “TwentyTwelve”, however, as many people have asked about other recent themes, I have organized the codes for the default WordPress themes from “Twenty Twelve” to “Twenty Sixteen”.

For Twenty Twelve

Copy the code below and paste into your CSS document.

.attachment-post-thumbnail { display:none; }

For Twenty Thirteen

Copy the code below and paste into your CSS document.

.entry-thumbnail { display:none; }

For Twenty Fourteen

Copy the code below and paste into your CSS document.

.post-thumbnail { display:none; }
.site-content .hentry.has-post-thumbnail:first-child { margin-top: 48px; }

For “Twenty Fourteen” theme, the margin of the top header gets weird after hiding the featured image. Adding the second line, margin-top: 48px will fix the issue.

For Twenty Thirteen

Copy the code below and paste into your CSS document.

.post-thumbnail { display:none; }
.hentry.has-post-thumbnail { padding-top: 8.3333%; }

For “Twenty Fourteen” theme, the margin of the top header gets weird after hiding the featured image. Adding the second line, padding-top: 8.3333% will fix the issue.

For Twenty Sixteen

Copy the code below and paste into your CSS document.

.post-thumbnail { display:none; }

For any questions, please leave a comment. Enjoy blogging!


A site that contains hundreds of awesome textures in high resolution JPG with the variety of concrete, fabric, foliage, liquid, metal, paint, paper, rust, stone, rock, wood, clouds, sky, and etc.


PSD Hatched Slash Diagonal Pattern

Download PSD: Photoshop Hatched Slash Diagonal Pattern

Hatched/slash pattern makes slick feel to your art work. Here’s an easy way of doing it in Photoshop.

  1. Create a “New” canvas (go to “File” -> “New”). Set 6 pixels on both “Width” and “Height”.
  2. Open “Layer” palette (go to “Window” -> “Layer”). Delete existing background layer so it’s now “Transparency”.
  3. Blow the view all the way up to 3200% by select Magnifying Glass Icon from the “Tools”. Draw a line diagonally with “Pencil” tool (Like below).

Dotted Line

Feel free to customize yourself with making different colors, directions, and even different sizes like 3 x 3 pixel or 2 x 2 pixel. You can also download PSD here:

Download PSD


  1. Lets continue with what we have, or simply open the PSD above.
  2. Go to “Edit” -> “Define Pattern” to and name your pattern as you like. Now, we are done with defining the pattern. Let’s apply the pattern to the image.
  3. Place a background less image by “File” -> “Place” and select your image. I’ve placed a chocolate donut png image.

Background Less Donut Image

  1. Create a new layer (green arrow on right), fill a color as you like (I chose WHITE), and drag to place the layer below the “donut” layer.

Layer Style

  1. Let’s add a layer style to the background layer (Mine is “white bg”) by click on the “fx” button (the yellow arrow) shown above. Then, on the “Layer Style” window, click “Pattern” button (the red arrow) and choose your Hatched / Slash / Diagonal Pattern you made.


Final Hatched Donut Image


Google, Yahoo and All Major Search Engine Tips

Inputting “KEYWORDS” into the search engine box would be your first attempt while finding what you are looking for in the world wide web. There are a few tips that make your searching even faster adding some indicated codes to your search input box:


Finding Exact Word with Order: wrap double quotation marks (“”) to your search words. In example, “cool free photoshop brushes” would only find cool free photoshop brushes NOT best free photoshop brushes or awesome free photoshop brushes.

[-] Negative/Minus CODE

Words You Want to Exclude: Add a negative/minus code immediately before the world you want to exclude without space. In example, abstract background image -jpg would find you all abstract related background images but not in jpg extension. (JPEG will shown in the search results)


A Specific File Type Search: Input “filetype:(with colon)” in front of the file type name such as “jpg” or “pdf” to search that exact file type with the keywords. In example, “filetype:pdf design” would find you all PDF files that related to the word DESIGN.


To Find Within a Site: Input “site:(with colon)” before any website such as “” follow by the keywords would let you find the subject within the website you’ve indicated. In example, “ tutorial” would find articles about TUTORIAL within the site


A Placeholder: The code “*” in between keywords be treated as a placeholder, so “Freelance * Design” will find you Freelance Graphic Design, , Freelance UI/UX Design, and so on.


To Find Either One of Several Words: If you want to search for something either one of its kinds such as “design award 2010 OR 2011” will get you a result within these two years of resources. (OR must be ALL-CAP)

Joomla to Wordpress

Migrating Joomla to WordPress

Here’s the a way to migrate Joomla users to WordPress users. I’ve used Joomla for some years and I still thinking it’s a great Content Management System. But however, I’m so much liking using WordPress for my site building I definitely needed to bring users from Joomla to WordPress. If you have hundreds of articles and migrating one from another it’s pain but still possible and manually doable, but when migrating users data, it just can’t.

I’ve tried to follow other tutorials, but for some reason it didn’t work out for me. So I’ve done some other testings and finally it worked out! Now, let me introduce to how to migrate Joomla users to WordPress users. The versions I’ve used is Joomla 1.5 to WordPress 3. Here’s how as simple as:

1. On your Joomla site, export users to a CSV file.

To export Joomla users data, use ‘ARRA User Export Import’ plugin.

  • Install plugin and go to the plugin page (Admin – Components – ARRA User Export Import)
    Joomla Components
  • Click on ‘User Export’, mark the following check boxes, and “Export”!
    ARRA User Export Import
  • You’ll get a “CSV” file.

2. Tweak the CSV file before import to your WordPress site.

  • You can open the file with Dreamweaver, Microsoft Excel, or one of the text editors you already have.
  • Just need to change very top row.
    Modify from Text EditorEdit text as the following table (Top to Bottom) and save.

    first name last name username email password usertype
    first_name last_name user_login user_email joomlapass role

    *Sometimes Microsoft Excel won’t save it right. I recommend Dreamweaver.

3. Import the CSV file to your WordPress site.

  • To install plugin, on your wordpress site, go to Admin – Plugins – Add new.
    Wordpress Plugin
  • Search for ‘Import Users from CSV’,
    Import Users from CSV
    ‘Install Now’, and ‘Activate Plugin’.
    Activate Plugin
  • Go to ‘Users’ – ‘Import from CSV’
    Import From CSV
  • Drag your updated ‘.CSV’ file to the ‘Choose File’ filed, “Import”!
    Import users from a CSV file
  • Check your ‘Users’ – ‘All Users” page to see everything looks right!
    Check Users page