Bootstrap has provided accordion “Collapse” JavaScript plugins for Bootstrap users, but has no explanation making the accordion partially expand and collapse.
Below is the demo/template to build your accordion partially expand and collapse within the given height. The HTML includes CDN (content delivery network) to connect Bootstrap/Jquery’s CSS and JavaScript files, so it’s ready to be used! Click to download below.
DEMO: How It Looks
<div class="accordion partialcollapse" id="partialcollapse"> <div id="collapse-one" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="headingOne" data-parent="#partialcollapse"> <h4>Accordion Title</h4> <p>Accordion content goes here</p> </div> <button class="btn btn-link" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse-one" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse-one"> </button> </div>
.partialcollapse .collapse { display: block; height: 120px !important; overflow: hidden; } .partialcollapse .collapsing { height: inherit!important; } .partialcollapse { height: auto !important; } .partialcollapse .collapse+button:after { content: '+ Show More'; } .partialcollapse .show+button:after, .partialcollapse .collapsing+button:after { content: '- Show Less'; }